
Sound advice, Vivian!

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The topic is spot-on. Informative and thought provoking. Best for me is to eat to live; not live to eat.

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totally agree! it seems those with the least amount of expertise are the loudest & most opinionated, unfortunately. It's also very elitist to tell everyone to eat a certain way when affordability & access can play a big part in choices. Listen to your body, care about your overall health both mental & physical, & do what's best for you.

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Exactly. We all have to do what is best for us, and also do the best we can with the resources we have.

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"Horse" is such a beautiful story, it's a little slow in the beginning but stay with it. One of my all-time favorite books. Make sure you read the author's biography after the book.

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Thanks for the tip, Amy. "Horse" is definitely in the queue. :)

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